Here is a summary of our good work since our chapter’s good work since our beginning in 2000!
Total Blankets
Blankets Received
Blankets Distributed July – Sept. 2024
372 |
Would you like some Project Linus Swag?
Visit the Project Linus store
for blankets/quilt patterns, cards and pens, clothing, skip-stich blades and tote bags.
Who Receives Our Blankets?
Blankets are distributed to a variety of locations in the New River Valley. Sheriff’s Departments and local police departments carry blankets with them to provide comfort to children in crises situations. Fire departments have blankets to distribute in times of need. Social services distributes blankets to children who have to be relocated on an emergency basis. Local hospitals distributes blankets to children who have received outpatient surgical departments. Blankets are given to children who have parents deployed in the line of duty. We also contribute to national disasters, such as hurricanes, fires, and other emergency situations when many children are affected.
In addition to responding to emergency situations, we also make weighted blankets (upon request) for children in need.
What are the “requirements” of a blanket?
Blankets Need to be “Homemade”
When we say “homemade” we mean something that is not commercially manufactured or purchased. Of course, home sewing machines, knitting machines, etc. are fine. It has always been the mission of Project Linus to donate only new handmade blankets. We receive thousands of letters and thank you notes every year from children.
What Types of Blankets does Project Linus Accept?
Our Chapter Coordinators accept NEW HANDMADE, WASHABLE, blankets and afghans for giving to children ages 0-18 years. Project Linus blankets are not donated to adults. As a national policy we accept all sizes and styles, although some chapters may have more narrow requirements based on the needs of the facilities to which they donate. Project Linus blankets must be of excellent quality and free from contaminants. Special care should be taken to ensure that blankets are free of smoky smells or any chemicals which could cause problems for a child. Ensure that blankets are free of pet or animal hair. Hospitals will not accept these blankets, and they will most likely be discarded. Recent studies show that laundering these blankets does not remove contamination, and in some cases can even make it worse. Always check blankets carefully for pins, and remove any embellishments such as buttons that could be swallowed.
What About Sizes?
Project Linus donates blankets to children, infants through teens. Many sizes are appropriate depending on Chapter need. For example, blankets could be as small as 36″ × 36.” The majority of Project Linus blankets are about 40″ × 60″, or what is called “crib size.†Blankets could be as large as twin size for teens. Local Chapters may have certain preferences depending on the facilities to which they donate. Visit our Find Chapters page to locate contact information for your local Project Linus Chapter so that you can ask about specific current needs.
Blanket Drop Off Locations
If you are interested in contributing blankets to our chapter you can bring completed blankets to any Blanket Day or drop off at the following locations. You should see a bin or box labeled Project LInus. The following locations have generously agreed to be drop off points for Project Linus Blankets. Please make sure each of your blankets have your name. Please include your address if the blanket recipient chooses to send you an acknowledgement.
Please help thank them by also doing business with them!
The National Project Linus website contains patterns, challenges and additional information about the organization.
Need Pattern ideas?
Click here to go to our pattern page or visit the website
Project Linus is a volunteer non-profit organization with a two-fold mission:
FIRST, it is our mission to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.
SECOND, it is our mission to provide rewarding and fun service opportunity for interested individuals and groups in local communities, for the benefit of children.
Anyone, any age, can help these children. It is within your power to make a difference.
Nearly 400 chapters of Project Linus exist nationally, with more than 10 million blankets donated to children.